Why Didn't My Donation or Purchase Go Through?
In order to ensure the security of transactions processed by Leading The Way, we have stringent requirements in place to guard against fraudulent transactions. Here are some things that may prevent your transaction from being processed:
- • Your transaction was less than $5.00. Due to processing fees and our desire to maximize financial stewardship, a minimum $5.00 transaction is required to process your donation or purchase via credit card online. Donations or purchases for less than $5.00 can be mailed via check or money order to Leading The Way at PO Box 142 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 7E9, Canada.
- • You added spaces when inputting your credit card number.
- • The postal code you entered for your donation does not match the postal code on record with the credit card company.
- • The CVV/CSC code you entered for your credit card is incorrect.
- • The expiration date you entered has passed or does not match what is on record with the credit card company.
- • Your credit card company has declined the charge.
- • The location of the computer you're using to attempt the donation is in a different country than the address on your credit card.
- • During busy holiday seasons, credit card companies will likely decline a transaction that they determine is "out of character" for you as a fraud prevention device. If you are attempting to donate a large gift and your card was declined, please contact your card issuer's fraud prevention department.
- • We recommend that you try to complete your donation again, ensuring that your postal code, address and security information match the information exactly on file with your card issuing bank. If you continue to experience difficulty with your donation, please contact us via email or call us at (800) 538-7677.
How do I submit my gifts to Leading The Way?
Checks can be mailed to:
Leading The Way
PO Box 142
Maple Ridge, BC V2X 7E9
If giving via check, please be sure to make it payable to Leading The Way. Another giving option is to give one-time or recurring gifts online.
How Do I Access The Free Digital Download I Ordered From The Store?
Please follow these instructions to access your free digital downloads ordered from Leading The Way’s online store:
- 1. Sign in to your account.
- 2. Click the ACCOUNT button in the top right corner of the page.
- 3. Scroll down to MY HISTORY and click the PRODUCTS tab. Your complete product history should now be viewable.
- 4. Click DOWNLOAD next to the free PDF you would like to download. You can re-download your free PDF resources up to five times each.
If your free digital download is not showing up in your product history list, try adding it to your cart again and be sure to complete every step of the online checkout.
Who should I contact for a year-end tax receipt?
Please email or call us at (800) 538-7677.
You may also mail your request to:
Leading The Way
PO Box 142
Maple Ridge, BC V2X 7E9